Trauma Therapy - PTSD & Complex Trauma Recovery

Trauma TherapyYou go through the motions of daily life. Most of the time you’re doing okay, but other times you feel disconnected, spaceyor forgetful.

You go from feeling numb to feeling intense anger, fear, or sadness. These feelings seem to come out of nowhere and confuse you. You snap at others when you’re overwhelmed and then immediately feel guilty.

You feel dramatic when you recall upsetting childhood memories. You tell yourself it wasn’t that bad, yet you struggle to move past it. All trauma is valid, and no trauma is too big or small to work through!

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder & Complex Trauma

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can develop after you’ve experienced a traumatic or disturbing event. Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) develops from exposure to multiple, inescapable traumas, such as childhood abuse. Both PTSD and CPTSD can create issues with self-esteem and relationships.

Examples of trauma include, but are not limited to, childhood abuse, domestic partner abuse, childhood neglect, abandonment, witnessing domestic violence, being raised by an emotionally distant parent or an emotionally immature parent, being the victim of psychological/emotional manipulation, having an absent parent, having a parent who struggles with addiction, sexual assault, experiencing any life threatening event, and military deployment (Visit US Department of Veterans Affairs for additional resources).

Trauma Symptoms:

  • Trouble focusing or concentrating
  • Experiencing “brain fog”
  • Experiencing that you or your surroundings don’t feel “real”
  • Frequent worry and fear
  • People pleasing
  • Feeling depressed
  • Perfectionistic behaviors, overly organized or structured
  • Trouble sleeping, nightmares
  • Physical pain: stomachaches, headaches etc.
  • Difficulty in relationships
  • Feeling guilt and shame
  • Low self-esteem, overly critical of self
  • Avoiding people or places that cause stress

How Trauma Therapy Helps

You’re not broken. Through therapy you can begin to heal and live the type of life you want. With therapy you can:

  • Understand trauma responses
  • Feel less anxious and depressed
  • Improve your concentration, be able to enjoy the moment
  • Improve relationships and recognize trauma bonding
  • Discover helpful ways of coping with strong emotions
  • Discover ways to create a sense of safety and calm
  • Improve your self-esteem, decrease self-loathing and self criticism
  • Feel more connected and whole
  • Decrease reactivity

Get Started with a Trauma Therapist

You can feel at peace and have hope. Contact me to get started with trauma therapy. Online in Georgia and Tennessee.