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  • 5 Things to Know Before Meeting with an EMDR Therapist

    EMDR Therapist

    1. How EMDR Therapy Works

    EMDR Therapy involves reprocessing of disturbing memories through bilateral stimulation of the brain (or alternating left and right movements). This stimulation helps the brain interpret and understand the memories in a healthier and less upsetting way. Your therapist will ask you to recall a specific memory while engaging you in bilateral stimulation (BLS). BLS can include alternating eye movements, tapping on legs/arms, or using a device that creates alternating vibrations or sounds.

    2. EMDR Therapy Involves Some Prep Work

    EMDR Therapy can be intense and triggering for some patients. Prior to beginning the reprocessing phase of EMDR, a therapist will teach you exercises to cope with triggering memories and intense emotions. The length of the preparation phase varies based on each individual’s needs.

    3. EMDR Therapy Does Not Involve as Much Talking as Traditional Therapy

    If you’ve met with a therapist before, you’ve likely experienced a conversational style of therapy. With EMDR Therapy, talking is limited to prevent disruptions to the reprocessing phase. Your therapist will routinely check in with you between sets of bilateral stimulation to ensure you are doing ok.

    4. Not Everyone is an Appropriate Fit for EMDR Therapy

    EMDR Therapy requires you to access and sit with upsetting memories. Your therapist will first guide you through exercises and assessments to determine if you are ready to move forward with reprocessing traumatic memories. You may not be ready to participate in EMDR if you have trouble recalling memories, severely dissociate when stressed, or have not developed enough coping skills to manage intense emotions. 

    5. EMDR Therapists Treat More than Just Trauma

    There is a misconception that you must have endured a traumatic event to participate in EMDR therapy. Although EMDR is effective in helping individuals heal from trauma, it can also be used to address other issues such as depression, anxiety, substance use, stress, phobias and relationship issues.

    Get Started with an EMDR Therapist in Tennessee & Georgia

    I’m an EMDR therapist who specializes in trauma healing and narcissistic abuse recovery. Contact me to get started with EMDR Therapy

    Online Locations: Nashville, Tennessee – Brentwood, Tennessee – Atlanta, Georgia – Sandy Springs, Georgia – Greater Tennessee and Georgia Area

    Get Started with an EMDR Therapist!