5 Tips for Managing Relationship Anxiety

Relationship AnxietyYou question how your partner feels about you or worry about the future of the relationship. You seek constant reassurance from your partner or find yourself avoiding them to protect your feelings. Sometimes you feel it would be easier to avoid relationships, but you also desire the love and intimacy that comes with having a significant other.

Whether you’re in a new or a long-term relationship, worrying about the state of the relationship can be consuming and cause severe anxiety. Read below to learn more about how to cope with relationship anxiety.

Signs of Relationship Anxiety

  • Constantly questioning how your partner feels about you.
  • Physical symptoms such as stomachaches, nausea, muscle tension, rapid breathing etc.
  • Regularly fear that your partner is mad at you.
  • Believing if your partner left you, you would not be ok.
  • Seeking constant validation and reassurance from your partner.
  • Obsessing about things that could go wrong in the relationship.

Why Do I Struggle with Relationship Anxiety?

  • You experienced inconsistent parenting or childhood trauma.
  • You experienced past relationship trauma or past infidelity in relationships.
  • You struggle with low self-esteem or self-worth.
  • You have a fear of abandonment.
  • Your partner acts dismissive or avoidant (It is possible you may be experiencing anxiety solely based off of your partner’s behaviors. If your partner fears intimacy, they may distance themselves from the relationship. In these situations, it is important to evaluate if this is the right relationship for you).

Five Tips to Help with Relationship Anxiety

  • Communication: It’s important that both you and your partner communicate your needs and concerns in the relationship. This will help you understand each other and avoid making inaccurate assumptions.
  • Reflect before you react: Reflect on your emotions and thoughts before acting on them. Taking the time to sit with your feelings can help you sort through your emotions and identify how you’d like to move forward.
  • Avoid the fantasy: It can be tempting, especially in a new relationship, to place your partner on a pedestal and begin to fantasize about your future together. This makes it difficult to view your partner as human and someone you can work through conflict with. Try to remember that no one is perfect and you are learning new things about your partner every day.
  • Practice grounding exercises: Anxiety often indicates that a past memory has been triggered. Grounding techniques can help you stay in the present moment. 
  • Seek counseling: Therapy can help you better understand your attachment style and recognize triggers of anxiety in your relationship. Most importantly, therapy can help you recognize healthy vs. unhealthy patterns in relationships.

Psychotherapy for Relationship Anxiety

I offer therapy for residents of Georgia and Tennessee. If you’re struggling with relationship anxiety and/or relationship trauma, please contact me to get started with therapy!

Online Locations: Nashville, Tennessee – Brentwood, Tennessee – Atlanta, Georgia – Sandy Springs, Georgia – Greater Tennessee and Georgia Area

Request an appointment!